Railroad Prototype Modelers Conference – RPM Chicagoland 2024
October 10-12, 2024, Naperville, IL

RPM Conference - Naperville 2024
Welcome to the RPM Conference website.
RPM Chicagoland returns in 2024, in conjunction with the Fox Valley Division NMRA.
We will keep this site updated with the latest RPM event news and hold an archive of past RPM related handouts and presentation files.

25th Anniversary Dinner Presentations Announced!
One of the Pennsylvania Railroad’s legendary K4-class 4-6-2 steam locomotives leads an eastbound passenger train out of Chicago at 21st Street Tower on October 3, 1950. Photograph by Wallace W. Abbey, © 2018, Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Abbey-01-130-05 We...
Don’t forget your models!
If you're like many of your fellow modelers, you're burning the candle at both ends trying to get new models ready for display at RPM Chicagoland. Some are even working on the 2016 Mini-Kits trying to finish those models for display. We welcome your models! All scales...
Less than 10 days!
We're less than 10 days away from the kick-off of the 24th annual conference! The final programs are off at the printers. Mini-Kit parts are being completed and packaged. And we're working on updated signage and final preparations with the hotel. It's shaping up to be...
Schedule Posted
We have added the planned schedule of presentations to the schedule page. Look for the link to a PDF on this page: https://www.rpmconference.com/index.php/schedule/ Please note that minor changes may occur as we get closer to the event. We will update this draft...
Earlybird Registration deadline approaching
Haven't registered yet? There's still time to catch the early bird rate which is available until September 25. But, waiting until the last minute might mean you miss out on one of the limited availability Mini-Kit's this year. These are going fast with only 200...
2017 Mini-Kit Update
We've got the team working on new resin parts for the 2017 Mini-Kit! Here's a sneak peak of the solid model that will be used to produce RP masters before being turned into resin copies. And by doing the digital model, we'll be able to produce these in HO, N, O, and S...
2017 Dates Set
The dates and location have been set for 2017! We will remain at the same hotel and the event will take place on the old weekend before Halloween. Save the date for October 26-28, 2017, and look for more details to be posted and registration to open later in March!
2016 Photos Posted
We've added a gallery of photos taken by Harz to the past event photos page. You can link directly to them here: http://www.rpmconference.com/index.php/2016-rpm-chicagoland-photos/ And don't forget to check out Eric Hansmann's pBase photos at this link:...