More Clinics Added

More clinics than you can shake a stick at! We had more great clinics than we had space, and with registrations being strong, we were able to negotiate an additional full size clinic room at the hotel. Existing clinics in the smaller Morton room are being moved to the...

2019 Event Updates

We have updates! We’re a little over a month away from the event, and the early registration deadline is approaching next week. Please register, if you haven’t, before the price increase. RPM After Party Lombard Hobbies will once again be our gracious...

Hotel Block Open for Reservations

We have posted the link for online hotel reservations at the Hotel link above. Staying right at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center is convenient, and one of the best deals in the area at $99 per night. Be sure to ask for the RPM 2019 rate, or book via the online...
2018 Event Photos

2018 Event Photos

Several attendees have posted their 2018 event photos, including this photo of a couple happy humans by Eric Hansmann, and we’ve added links to our Past Event Photos page here: Past Event Photos We were also lucky enough to have official RPM Chicagoland...
2018 Program and Presentation Links

2018 Program and Presentation Links

The 2018 Attendee Program has been posted on the schedule page. Here is the direct link: 2018 Digital Program We thank those presenters who have allowed us to post or link to their information.
Chris Vanko on Freight Car Weathering

Chris Vanko on Freight Car Weathering

Chris Vanko’s excellent clinic on weathering needs to be viewed in color instead of black and white handouts. As promised, his full color presentation is being posted as a PDF: Chris Vanko’s Weathering Clinic PDF Thanks go to Chris, not only for...