We’re two weeks out from showtime. Some of you have been working on models for the past year, while some were waiting for this deadline to start staying up until 2:00 in the morning in order to finish a new model! (No comment on which group I’m a part of!)
In order to encourage attendees to bring their latest modeling, this year extra door prize tickets will be provided for display models, up to 10 tickets maximum for your first 10 models displayed. Members of Modutrak will be in the display room handing out tickets, so make sure to find one of them at the layouts in order to claim your tickets. We hope to see filled tables this year, as one of the keys to RPM meets is sharing our work with others. That can be freight cars, passenger cars, other rolling stock, structures, dioramas, and even in progress models that show workmanship, new and clever techniques, etc. And don’t forget, all scales are welcome!
As you’re planning what models to bring, Eric Hansmann had the great idea to make the display cards available ahead of the meet. That way you can type or write out your cards ahead of time. Thanks for making the template, Eric! Here’s the link:
We’re meeting with the hotel and getting everything set up this week. Two weeks can’t get here soon enough!
New to RPM meets. Do models for display have to be scratch or kitbashed models or are stock models painted and lettered for a specific road with a load ok? What about old craftman kits like Canadian Railway Models kits?
Bring anything you’ve been working hard on to share or that tells an interesting story about the history of prototype modeling. Old craftsman kits would be interesting, any model that has been taken beyond its out-of-the-box appearance is also welcome.